Blog Posts
March 21, 2025

The Top 5 Producer Questions About Monetizing On-Farm Practices Answered

Answers to the questions we heard the most from producers at World Ag Expo

Athian recently joined thousands of attendees at the World Ag Expo in Tulare, CA – the largest annual agriculture event of its kind!  We had the opportunity while there to present an educational seminar along with our partners at Figure 8 Environmental and Livestock Water Recycling about how dairy producers can earn money for their on-farm practices related to manure management systems. 

Here are some of the top producer questions we heard and our answers. Let us know when you’re ready to get started by e-mailing us at

What are my upfront costs as a producer?

First, it’s important to know that Athian uses the term “protocol” to refer to the on-farm practices that generate outcomes we can help you monetize, and we have multiple protocols available for producers to implement. 

In some cases, you might already be doing the components of a practice and the additional cost for you might be minimal. Our protocols offer options to be tailored for your specific operational and financial needs. None of our protocols require you to enter into a long-term contractual agreement to be eligible. We want you to implement the practices that make sense for your operation.  

What on-farm practices are eligible for funding?

Right now, Athian has three protocols available, which include feed ingredients and alternative manure management practices (AMMP). We are actively recruiting interested producers for the AMMP protocol because we have food company buyers looking to fund these types of practices. 

AMMP was the focus of our presentation at World Ag Expo because it’s a high-yielding protocol, in terms of greenhouse (GHG) emissions reductions, and it can help accomplish broader goals, including water quality and soil health initiatives. Athian plans to double the number of protocols available over the next year and our goal is to have a diversity of options for producers to choose from. 

What is the dollar value I can earn for changing my practices?

One of the first things we do when you contact us is collect general information about your operation so we can determine what protocol(s) might make sense and estimate your potential return. Results will vary farm by farm, but the average return for producers implementing AMMP practices typically ranges from $15 to $35 per lactating cow per year return. 

Athian announced earlier this year that we will facilitate more than $9 million in payments to producers for their on-farm practices in 2024 and we expect that number to be even higher for 2025. 

How many producers do you have and what states are you working in? 

We’re able to work with producers in any U.S. state and currently are working across several states. We expect to have more than 150 operations in our system by the end of 2025. We don’t release specific numbers and states to protect producer privacy, but if you want to know more, please reach out. 

Where do I go to get started?

Many cooperatives have producer programs in place that Athian is supporting, so you may want to start with your coop. If you’re interested in learning more about Athian, visit us online at or e-mail us at For more information about the partners who presented with us at World Ag Expo, visit them online at or